I apologize for the lack of posts lately! I have been
slightly off my game with blogging and thinking of 3985 million things and
projects at once. We’ve been keeping up with our letters and projects, but I
have not been keeping up with my usual naptime write up of our day to day
events. I am in the middle of creating a mock table setting for our very DIY
wedding (which is coming along quite nicely if I do say so myself). This past
long weekend gave me a chance to recharge my batteries completely and now I
feel like I can conquer anything! Especially the rest of those cookies Lily and
I made on Valentine’s Day!
Back on track this morning bright and early! We ate our
breakfasts, had some nakey baby time (it’s a must in this house), and then got
dressed to do the calendar. We played with blocks and took out a few toys we
haven’t seen in a while. Then it was time for snack and projects. We painted
our S Snakes with water colors and then used those same water colors to paint
snow! Even though my batteries are recharged, I wasn’t quite feeling bundling
us all up and venturing out just yet today (plus we’re all a little dried out
and chapped). So instead, we brought the snow to us! They had fun using
different colors to decorate the snow and it was just the right consistency to
smush and mold and melt. It was a fun sensory project without the added hassle
of layering, forgetting to go potty, un-layering, layering again, freezing, and
back indoors.
Before we did the calendar today, I thought it was
Thursday and panicked because I have a lot of things I would like to accomplish
before Friday. But when I found out it was only Wednesday, I got slightly
bummed. So that’s where I am at this week! Anyway, we did our usual routine up
until we tried to do our songs and exercises. The cable and internet were being
a little wonky, so I turned off the wifi on my phone and we did Bear Hunt and
Walking Through the Jungle in our usual fashion of trampling around the house.
We had a little more free play time then climbed in our chairs for a healthier
snack of fruits followed by a not so healthy chocolate chip cookies. They need
to go ASAP because I am giving up sweets for Lent. Or trying to! After snack we
took turns scooping uncooked black beans into socks to make snowmen. It took a
decent amount of time and they were cracking up doing it. I tried to tie off
each section (using a rubber band) in Olaf proportions, and I plan on cutting
out Olaf-esque faces, carrot noses, and buttons but we shall see how they turn
out! The socks and the beans were a Dollar Store purchase so I am not sure how
sturdy these things will be. They might just be a shelf decoration for now!

Brr. I am giving up WINTER for Lent. Sheesh. I can’t wait
to get these kids back outside! We had a laid back morning today. We did our
morning routine with our calendar and songs, and then we just played. They were
being so sweet toward each other and sharing so well, I just went along with
it. We didn’t do a project in the morning, but after nap and lunch we tried a
new sensory play! I found a ‘recipe’ on Pinterest for ‘snow’. You mix 2 cups of
baking soda with ½ cup of conditioner (I used Suave Coconut because it was
under $2 and white). The kids loved it! They had fun helping me mix the two
ingredients together and then I gave each of them a Tupperware container and
some utensils. Tristan used the utensils until I made him a ball to hold. Lily
dug right in and got dirty. It is like the winter version of the Cloud Dough (baby
oil/flour mixture) we made in the summer. It leaves some residue on your hands
so it’s not quite as mess free as play dough is, but if you don’t work it
around too much, it’s pretty easy to clean up.
This short week actually felt like a short week. We had
another laid back morning. We did our routine but at a slow moving pace. We watched a few silly videos and had a little bit of a dance off. We even did a laid back Photoshoot Friday where the
kids were superheroes! This was a simple but fun idea I decided to do this week
while I’m working on building a big prop for the next one. Ash brought over some cute costumes for the kids to play with and I tried to come up with the simplest photo shoot I could do. The kids helped me
color the action words and I made the buildings out of cardboard I had laying
around. After we were done taking pictures, they played with the words and the buildings, making 'roads' and walking very carefully on them. I love when they come up with ideas like that on their own! It is also so nice to see them be able to entertain themselves and each other, even if it is just for a short period of time.
Hope everyone has a fun weekend! Here's a Flashback Friday picture to the first Superhero Shoot we did. Man, it was definitely a whole lot easy for this one when Tristan was just a