Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Christmas Wish...

As I sit here finishing up addressing Christmas cards next to this pile of presents for Lily and our families (but mostly for Lily), I cannot help but let the tears stream down my face. On this day last year, in an elementary school in Sandy Hook, occurred such a horrific tragedy that it takes every fiber of my being to hold myself together when I even think about. I am sure the parents of those babies were doing the same things Jordan and I have been for the last month or so--finding the perfect gifts for each child, wrapping them with love, waiting to see those little faces light up on Christmas morning. I cannot (and don't want to imagine) the pain this time of year brings. My heart breaks for every family affected by that horrible event, and I just want to snuggle Lily even tighter and never let her out of my sight. 

I know the holidays bring out the best and worst in people. There are those awkward family parties you’d rather not attend, long lines and traffic everywhere, and everything becomes rushed and chaotic. People are rude, children are crazy, and everybody is on edge. I, myself, am guilty of snapping at Jordan or getting frustrated when the car in front of me is doing under the speed limit when I have so many places to go. But you know what? It's not important. Your kids will still love you even if you don't get them the hottest toy. Your significant other will love whatever gift you put thought in to because it is from you. You don't need to be first in line at the grocery store, and stop stalking me as I walk back toward my car because maybe the extra walk from your car to the mall entrance and back will help you breathe for a minute.

Just take a deep breath, and a step back for a minute and give your loved ones a hug. I am sure those parents wish every single day they could hold their sons and daughters even just one more time and have them here with them around the holidays. Think of them. Send positive thoughts their way. Send a simple text or email to let someone know you're love them. Burst into a random Christmas carol. Smile at a stranger. Let your kids eat way too many sugar cookies before bed. Laugh when family frustrates you. Appreciate everything in your life, and remember the most important things in your life are not things. Spread love, spread joy, and remember 'Christmas comes but once a year' (thankfully). 

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