Sunday, August 31, 2014

September Lesson Plans

In preparation for Ashley eventually having another baby for me to take care of, I decided that next week Lily and Tristan will be going ‘back to school’! I also need to start preparing myself for longer days spent inside once it starts to get colder and we can’t spend a majority of the day outside. The two of them are already on a pretty good schedule, but I would like to add a little more structure, as well as throwing in some sneaky learning tactics. I based my lesson plan model of ones I had to create when I worked for The Learning Experience. For the lessons, I used a combination of things I did with my class, things I found on Pinterest, projects my mom used when she taught, and things I did myself as a child. Each day will include an art or sensory project, a fine motor skill to master, time with music and movement, and a language activity. In addition, each week will have its own focus skill. For example, the first week we will be practicing putting on our own shoes. It could also be a task as simple as making a tower from blocks. Each week will start with introducing a letter and a color and a book that will be the theme for the week. I would like to teach them (and myself) to sign each color and letter as well. When we run out of colors, we will reconnect with our shapes. I am excited to do an array of fine motor and sensory activities with them, especially now that they are older and can handle more activities on their own.

Here’s an example of the lesson model, the projects I plan to do, and the skills we plan to work on. We’re starting off simple and hopefully we’ll all be able to ease into this (slightly) new routine. I am hoping to update this on a daily (more likely weekly) basis and compare what I wanted to get done vs. what we actually got done. I am a realist, so there will be days where certain tasks will not be completed, and that’s fine too. I am very excited to get back into a good groove and watch them learn new tricks!

Week One: September 1-5
Book of the Week: Alligator Alphabet by Stella Blackstone and Stephanie Bauer
Letter of the Week: A
Color of the Week: Red

Monday September 1: OFF

Tuesday September 2
Art & Sensory: Painting the Letter A with water colors
Fine Motor: Using a skinny paint brush
Language: Reading “Alligator Alphabet” and talking about letters
Music & Movement: Dancing to Bop Til You Drop
Focus Skill: Putting our shoes on by ourselves

Wednesday September 3
Art & Sensory: Gluing red tissue paper onto an apple
Fine Motor: Pincher grasp while gluing the tissue paper
Language: Talking about the Letter A and things that begin with it
Music & Movement: “Kids in Action”
Focus Skill: Putting our shoes on by ourselves

Thursday September 4
Art & Sensory: Gluing dyed rice to the Letter A
Fine Motor: Pincher grasp to pick up rice
Language: Talking about things that start with A
Music & Movement: Going on a hunt around the house for things that are red
Focus Skill: Putting our shoes on by ourselves

Friday Septmeber 5
Art & Sensory: Apple stamping pictures of things that are red
Fine Motor: Using an apple as a stamp
Language: Talking about things that are red
Music & Movement: “Exercise Song”
Focus Skill: Putting our shoes on by ourselves

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Hand & Footprint Painting Pictures: COMPLETE! :)

I'll admit it. These past few months have been a whirlwind, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I have been slacking on my creative projects, Photoshoot Fridays, and painting hands and piggies with the kids. I have been a lazy bum this summer. I figured it could possibly be my last of lounging by the pool with a drink in my hand. By that I mean defusing pool fights over non identical toys, being splashed only on days I opt to not wear my bathing suit, and opening Flavor Ice popsicles quicker than lightening with my teeth. I am honestly not complaining though. This is the tannest I have been in years. 

I am determined to get back on track for September and have been hatching a plan to keep us in line, on task, and learning. But more on that later. I am proud to announce I finally finished our monthly hand and/or footprint pictures! I cheated and did May-August this week, but at least i finished those! It is so cool to have a visual of how much they are growing month by month. Hopefully I'll get a Shutterfly gift in the near future and I'll be able to make something out of them on the cheap. But here they are, in all their glory. Enjoy!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

"You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." -RW

As someone who has suffered from depression and anxiety, it tears at my heart when I hear someone lost their battle with their demons. Depression is not just being sad. It is not underappreciating the life you have. It is not dwelling on the bad. It is this feeling of sinking away into whatever dark thoughts and feelings you are having and it is not easy to overcome. It hurts when I hear people talk negatively about those who lost the fight with themselves. It’s okay to have your own beliefs about suicide, but do not speak negatively of someone’s choice if you’ve never been in that mindset. Instead of getting on your soap box and preaching about how immoral and cowardly suicide is, find a way to help. Raise money for suicide prevention. Become a mentor. Smile at a stranger who looks like they are having a rough one. Everyone has their own demons and some people just need extra help fighting them away. 

I remember right before Lily was born, I told my mom I was scared of postpartum depression. Being able to (somewhat) prepare myself for all the emotions that were about to be piled on top of the ones that were already occurring was no easy task. Neither was telling someone my fears. But I think that helped me stay on the lighter side of things. In the hospital after Lily was born, I took a mandatory survey and my doctor had to come in to talk to me because I scored on the side of postpartum. I am not ashamed of this. I could admit to being a new mom and being completely overwhelmed with my new situation because I also knew I had this incredible backbone of support in not only Jordan but in our families and our friends. 

I vowed a long time ago to never get back to that place; to that me who I never wish to see again. I send love and hugs and positive vibes to those who are stuck there now. I had some very low lows and I had horrible thoughts. There was not one specific thing that was hurting me, and yet everything was hurting me. When I read my journals from that time period, I want to give my that scared young girl a hug and tell her she’ll get through it. Because I did. I had great friends and a great family support system who pulled me out of the darkness; some without even knowing it. Not everyone is that lucky. 

It’s not always the sulky ones who are battling some sort of inner war. Some people, like Robin Williams, will have you in stitches laughing while they suffer silently. I wish he could have seen what everyone else saw and taken some joy in the happiness and laughter he brought to others. Rest easy, good sir.