Friday, September 13, 2013

Pinned It, Did It...

Hello and welcome to my blog! I’ll admit I was a little hesitant to start one of these things bad boys. Another stay at home mom telling her tales of laundry, diapers, and naptimes, all while sewing curtains and making her own organic baby food? Phhht. Not so much me. Then I realized I could use this as another creative outlet and a place to share my fun projects (like Photo Shoot Fridays), upcycle ideas, and crafty craftness with my family and friends near and far.

I am very lucky to be able to stay at home with my beautiful, very mobile and extra curious thirteen month old baby girl, Lily. I also watch my eight month old cute as can be crawling all around nephew Tristan during the week. Needless to say, I don’t get much “me” time during the day and when I do, I’m usually trying to grab a shower, do a load of laundry, prep food for the babies, or straighten up, very quietly. But on those rare days when both children decide to not only nap at the same time, but take a nice long one, I usually find myself itching to work on a project. I do my best thinking in the morning and often jot down a list of projects I either dreamed up myself or I saw on Pinterest that I want to do during the week.

In my opinion, Pinterest is the best invention since sliced bread. Or the wheel. I’ll admit, my ratio of ‘Pinned It’ to ‘Did It’ DIY projects is a little out of proportion. And let’s not even mention the ’Pinned Fails’. But I can usually find some creative inspiration from the DIY/Craft or Kids section and go from there. Sometimes I follow the instructions and other times I wing it and add my own interpretations of the project. Either way it’s a nice creative outlet during nap times.

This blog will document my attempts, successes and failures in the crafty crafting world. Enjoy!

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