Thursday, May 1, 2014

It's not a diet, it's a seven day challenge..

I saw a seven day diet challenge on the internet and I thought, why not? This could either kick start some healthier living, or after seven days, I’ll binge eat like a mofo. I asked Jordan to join me on this weeklong journey just to see if he could do it as well. I decided that if I posted this challenge to the internet, I’d have to be accountable for what I ate.

NO soda
NO bread
NO red meat
NO alcohol
NO pasta
NO sweets
Citrus fruit daily
6 bottles of water/day
Green veggies
Fish/Chicken daily
30 minute workout

Day One
Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg with hot sauce (hey, I didn’t put in cheese so that’s a plus)!
Snack: 5 baby carrots (raw) with Tribe original hummus
Lunch: Lunch meat turkey and cheese and 1 ½ clemintines
Dinner: Chicken and quionoa stir fry with lentils, snap peas, and teriyaki sauce

I started using the MyFitnessPal app on and off from before Lily was born and then again after, when I was trying to lose weight. From my highest high (not including pregnancy), I have lost about 30 pounds. I fluctuate in a 5-7lb spread weekly, but have managed to keep myself in check by recording what I eat each day. Don’t get me wrong, there are days I am double the calories I am supposed to be eating, and I don’t ever record alcohol or even non-water drinks. But it has worked to keep me on track for the most part. Now that summer is approaching, and it might be the last one I’ll ever want to wear a two piece for (I say that every year), I would like to get my weight down to under the 5-7 swing mark and aim to lose and keep off about 10-15 more pounds before our vacation in July. I try to take the kids for a walk each day, weather depending, and pushing the two of them uphill in the double stroller can make for quite the workout. The hardest part for me will be giving up sweets. And of course, bread. I don’t eat ¼ of as much bread now living here, but growing up we had fresh bread at every meal. Which I put butter on and dipper in ketchup. Crap. I gotta talk myself down from making THAT as my snack today. 

Well, wish us luck! If nothing else, it'll be a cleanse of sorts!

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