Friday, November 7, 2014

Week Ten Recap

Today was a rough one. We all had a nice long three day weekend, but maybe the time change or the sugar added to our systems caused a bit of chaos. We played with some toy cars and drew and colored a pretty cool track for them to drive on (with a Target included cuz who doesn't drive there at least once a week)? When this got old and the crayons and trucks became weapons, we headed out for a stroller walk. I pulled something in my leg on Monday at some point and I am limping like a pirate with a peg leg every couple of steps. Walking and being active did help it out some yesterday, but last night I could not wait to snuggle in bed with the heating bad. Must be that I am creeping closer to old age or something. It made it an adventure to chase both of them around the house, especially when they were up to no good! After nap and lunch, Aunt Lyss came over to play with us. We played with dress-up, read some books, and were moderately bums. Some days, that just happens.

This morning had a much smoother start, thank goodness. We were able to eat breakfast, get dressed, and have some free play time with almost no whining and/or fighting. When we got a little antsy, we hopped into our chairs and painted our Jellyfish Js with water color and a paper plate with tempera paint. That plate will be turned into a jellyfish at some point today or this week. After our project, we cleaned up and went outside for a little bit. Even though they each have an almost identical car to sit in and wheel around out there, there is always some sort of argument. Today they kept crashing into each other, which only made them both angry and was driving me nuts, so our cars got put on the other side of the fence while we all took some deep breaths. The cars came back and they pretended to go to the store and get me stuff that was on my list. I happened to turn my head toward the gate I was inches away from and jumped about ten feet in the air when I saw a large praying mantis staring back at me. After I regained composure, we talked about ‘her’ and watched her move slowly. Lily made up a story about her walking around the gate and then giving Lily and Tristan hugs.

Rain, rain, go away. Please. We had a decent morning for being stuck inside for all of it. There were hardly any fights and no tears, which was a pleasant change of pace. I brought over some toy cars I found while cleaning out my parent’s attic and the collection was enough that both Lily and Tristan picked a favorite and there were no fights. We rolled out our car track and finished covering it. I started to cover it with some packaging tape to preserve it until I ran out of it. I wish the Target I drew on the track could be hopped into, Mary Poppins style! After we cleaned up cars, we painted some birthday cards for Uncle RJ/Daddy and had a little snack. Then the kids each put on one of Tristan’s rain boots and started ‘ice skating’ around the house. Lily started doing this a few weeks ago and I love the imagination of it all. We watched a few videos via the Chromecast, which I absolutely love. Nothing stops them in their tracks like watching their favorite Disney or Sesame Street YouTube videos on the big TV, especially when we have not done so in a while. We watched “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and I got the idea for a Photoshoot Friday to put into the works. I think I am going to have the kiddos help me out to make the backdrop and the costumes for this one.

Brr it’s quite blustery out today! I had the bright idea to do our project in a different spot—at our small Mickey table. Lily and Tristan both listened and played while I set up our paper, got the paint ready, and pulled out today’s ‘paintbrush’ (a wire bottle brush). They both sat down nicely and started to paint…and push the table into each other. We took some deep breaths and continued to paint until it was time to change the paper and then meltdowns began, the table was pushed, and someone toppled over their chair. Needless to say, project time ended abruptly and we had some cool down time. After we settle down, we managed to get outside to blow the stink off and take a short wagon ride but our play area was still a little damp from yesterday’s rain. Grammy (my mom) texted me and asked if she could drop some stuff off which was a nice break in our routine. We played for a little bit and sang some songs with her, and then it was naptime. I have a few projects and tricks up my sleeve for after nap, but we’ll see how our moods are. This week was slightly lacking in the crafting department and I blame the crash of a Halloween candy filled sugar rush. I promise I’ll be back on my game next week. I did get a lot of cleaning and reorganizing done this week though, so I don’t feel like a total bum!

Have a fun weekend!!

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