Friday, May 8, 2015

Another week in the books...

Wow what a beautiful (and warm) day! We started off by taking our long walk while our mini pool warmed up! We have a bigger tarp + PVC pipe pool somewhere in the garage, but for now, this baby pool and recyclables will do just fine! When we were finished with pool time, we filled our bottles up and watered all G-Ma’s plants! Then we finished off the fun with ice pops. The sights, smells and tastes of summer are upon us! We came inside and painted a little more of our Mother’s Day presents, and then settled in for some nice, long pool induced naps!

Another warm day! We took our walk while our pool water warmed up a bit, then we came back and got changed into our bathing suits. It wasn’t quite as warm as yesterday, so we didn’t stay in too long. We had some popsicles and watered the flowers and then came inside to play with our stacking/building manipulatives. I picked up two more sets of them from Target’s dollar bins so we made a big bridge and a very tall tower. These are a toy that I probably enjoy more than they do, but they had fun waiting til I built something tall so they could smash it.


It was slightly chillier today so we opted for some sandbox time after our walk. We used our new trucks to push sand around and build castles. We played with our hula hoops for a bit. We all need some practice with those and I am sure any car or person passing by got quite a show, but it was silly and we had fun! We saw two bunnies hiding under the boat, so we practiced sitting very quietly and watching them before having our snack outside. We’ve been practicing sitting at the big kid table vs our high chairs for snack, and it makes me appreciate everything the high chair does for me i.e. keeping them in one spot so I can pee/clean/sit for a moment. We came inside and took good naps after reading a few stories. We have to get to the library soon and pick out some new books to read before nap!

We started off today by rocking out with our instruments. It got quite loud and crazy in here, but Thursdays stink so I thought maybe switching up our game plan would negate some of the crazy that occurs. I was sort of wrong, but they were able to channel their energy into pounding on drums and crashing symbols. I was able to sip my coffee and get to my ohm place before that started, so it was all good. We did some projects to help out prep for VBS. We created some campfires using different materials. The first one we did was simply construction paper that we glued together with gluesticks and then glued onto a toilet paper and paper towel roll set up. For the second one, we used markers to color on coffee filters and then sprayed them with water to spread the color around. That was a little messy and a lot of fun! We glued that fire to some popsicle sticks we colored brown. We took a walk after that and then played outside in the sandbox for a little bit to finish other projects. We put the finishing touches on our Mother’s Day projects, and got ready for nap. While the kiddos were asleep, I put my finishing touches on their Mother’s Day planters! They came out very cute and I can't wait to give them to our Grandma's!


Alas, the weekend is just about upon us! We started today off with a nice three mile walk! Tristan now loves to keep track of how far we are going (29 miles) and in which direction we are headed. I use my Fitbit app to keep track of how far we go, and he loves hearing our mile mark and the time. After we (well, I) got some exercise and steps in, we headed back home to fill up the pool and go swimming! We have been using recycled items for pool toys, and they absolutely love pouring water from their ketchup bottles to their creamer bottles and onto G-Ma’s flowers! My goal for this weekend at some point is to explore and reorganize our summer swag and brainstorm new and exciting things to play with outside. I think a sprinkler and some water guns are needed this year! Our snack of choice now is popsicles, obviously so we ate those with some juice boxes while we dried off. We came inside and warmed up by snuggling, then read a book and got ready for nap. Hopefully this afternoon is an easy one and we can start the weekend with big smiles!!

Have a fun weekend! And happiest of Mother’s Days to all you moms out there! 

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