Friday, May 1, 2015

Lazy Week!

After being a part for a few days, Frick and Frack were right back on schedule, playing together like they hadn’t seen each other in years! We had our breakfast and got dressed, then did our usual quick house clean up. We had a mini dance party and then got our shoes and socks on and went for a nice walk. We stayed outside and played in the sandbox and with chalk and bubbles for a little bit until we got chilly. We came inside for snack and added a second coat of paint to our clay pots. We had our snack and read some of our library books and then got ready for a nice nap. 

We started today off with breakfast, piano time, and then a nice long walk! On our way home from our walk we stopped at the playground and ran around a little bit. They love to climb the ‘rock’ wall and slide down the big slide now. It is also amusing to see how they interact with other children. Lily usually tries to get someone to follow her, while Tristan is busy policing the area, telling kids to do the right thing and “no sit on the slide!” He is also Lily’s protector when she is talking to other kids. He stands and glares at them until Lily introduces him. We walked back home and continued to play outdoors. The weather is back to being just how we like it! I attempted to have them paint some clay flower pots red for more Mother’s Day gifts, but it’s so hard to stay in your chair when the sun is out and the wind is blowing! We ate our snack and had some juice boxes, then came inside to nap. As soon as nap, lunch, and potty time was over, we headed right back out to soak in some more rays!


Thursdays are our tough ones. We started out a little rocky and cranky this morning. They forget how to use their words by this point in the week and it takes some reminding. It’s so frustrating to watch them fight over basically nothing, but they’re two, so we’re trying to work on taking a step back and calling for me, or using our words to work out the problem. I have also been trying to keep a calm and even tone while resolving these issues even though sometimes they make me want to scream. Or cry. We found some yoga OnDemand that we tried, but it wasn’t as fun and exciting as the Cosmic Yoga we’ve come to love. It did calm us down though. I decided to cure the morning grumpies with a nice long stroller walk. I also promised Lily and Tristan if they were good, we could stop at the playground on the way home. When we were almost home, I asked if they wanted to try a new playground for a change. We grabbed our cups and my keys and bag and headed down the road to a new playground that other than one little girl, all ours! It doesn’t have too much equipment, but it has a huge rope spiderweb for the kiddos to climb. It also is next to a huge field, and the picnic tables now have tents over them. We had a lot of fun running around and playing. On the way home, we all got a special treat at Dunkin Donuts. I filled up my iced coffee cup and Lily and Tristan shared some munchkins. We came home and took very good naps!

Today started off a little shaky again. The lovelies are at the point where they get mad at the other for looking at them or singing or talking to them. Always a good time that ends with high pitched screams and crying. We are working on a way to calm ourselves and I am working on ways to distract them when I see those moments on the horizon. It is a work in progress for all of us! We got dressed and had some free play until we couldn’t handle that anymore. I put on a few songs for the kids to dance to while I got in a few exercises. It’s next to impossible to do any sort of exercising without one of them hanging on me or poking their little face under me while I plank or attempt a push up. But it makes it a little more interesting and fun because working out stinks! After we grew bored with dancing, we put our shoes on and went for another looooong walk. They were very good during the whole trip and let me take the long way, so we stopped at the park on the way home and did some climbing, swinging, and running. I cannot get over how big they are and how much more than can do on the playground without help. They used the big kid swings today and I got a little teary eyed. They were ready to leave without an issue and helped me push the stroller back to the road. We were going to paint when we got home, but we ran out of time. I have some projects and activities for next week that we’ll start doing after we get dressed that way we don’t waste any of our outside time that we all enjoy so much! We ate snack, did our potty routine, then read a few books before getting ready for nap. I love how this outside time makes the naptime easier. And I love that I can get to almost 10,000 steps before noon! Double bonus!

This weekend is supposed to be beautiful so hope you all can get outside and enjoy it!!

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