Friday, October 17, 2014

Week 7 Recap

Today we switched things up a little bit. We were all a little smelly in the morning due to a few different circumstances, so after breakfast, we took a bath. That was our sensory portion of the day! We played in Lily’s room until our hair dried and then we went for a stroller walk. It was slightly warm but we kept our eyes peeled for things that start with G, letter G’s on signs, and anything that looked like a circle. After our walk, we painted our Giraffe Gs and had some free play time. We took our naps, ate our lunch, and pushed our carts around for a little bit. We took a quick wagon ride and looked for more Gs and circles.

We got our walk and outside time in early today before the rain started! After a potty break, we played with our foam letters. It’s pretty neat now how they can match the letters that have been punched out to the square they go in. We took them all apart and then helped each other put them back together. There were only a few moments of frustration but we took some deep breaths and tried turning the letters a different way, or asking for help. After nap and lunch, it was pretty gray and ominous so we opted to stay inside and do our project. Using paper towel rolls as stamps, we stamped pumpkin shapes onto a pre-cut white pumpkin. To make the pumpkin shape, you bend down one side of the opened circle and put a piece of tape on it. The first few stamps came out looking like Cs, and once or twice the paint filled the hole and made a solid shape, but it was a new way to paint and the kids enjoyed it!

It was a slightly wet morning, so after a fast walk, we brought out a toy we haven’t played with in a while—Lily’s train set! I was able to set up a oval shaped track with most of the pieces, and they played for about a half hour without any issues. They both even sat in the middle of the track, criss cross applesauce of course, and traded trains and cars. I was very impressed! The track would not survive 30 seconds when they were younger before someone tripped over it or sat on it. These little changes in each of their play behaviors are so fun to see firsthand! It makes me tear up a little because they are both getting so big and independent, but it is amazing to be able to watch them grow!
After nap and lunch, we went outside and tried painting with another different tool—a straw! My original plan was to just have them dot the paper with a straw dipped in paint, but where’s the fun or challenge in that? During nap, I looked up blow painting techniques and thought, why not? I watered down some orange paint, taped paper (in the shape of corn) to the bottom of a shoebox, and cut some straws. I sprinkled some paint into the box but it was not the right consistency. So I tried just straight paint and let them have at it. It didn’t work out the way I planned and we might try it again tomorrow, but they had fun and it was something new to try!


As usual, Friday is slow going. We took our time getting dressed and ready and headed out for our walk. Today we looked for pumpkins and counted how many we saw. We were finally able to draw with chalk after a damp week, so we drew a big letter G and brainstormed what we could draw that begins with G. I need to keep my eyes peeled for more sidewalk chalk when we’re out because our abundant supply is finally dwindling! We played outside for a good chunk of the morning since the weather was so nice. After nap and some lunch, we headed back out to retry our straw painting. This time I cut out ovals (for Indian corn) out of paper plates and used some older tempera paint that was thinner but not too watery. I drop a couple drops on and let them blow their straws. Then we added more and dipped our straws in the paint and blew. This was fun until they both started trying to suck up the paint and/or flip the straw around and put it in their mouth. It was a change of pace though and overall we had a good time!!

Have a fun weekend! 

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