Friday, October 24, 2014

Week Eight Recap!

It was very chilly this morning so we planned to walk and go outside after our naps and lunch. After breakfast, we took our time getting dressed. Both kids help each other when it comes to taking off PJs and pulling on pants. It’s pretty stinkin’ cute! We set up our train set and played with that for a little bit. I have been setting up part of it, and letting them finish the track. They sometimes get frustrated but they’ll ask (whine) for help or just leave the track unconnected. Since we couldn’t go outside, we did some exercising and dancing to some of our favorite songs. We listened to a new one called Freeze and learned how to play the freeze dance game.  After we shook some energy out, we painted our H horses with water colors. I am always impressed when they notice what letter we’re doing, but also what my drawing is! After nap and lunch, we took a nice long walk and played outside for a little bit.

Since it wasn’t as cold out today, we were able to sneak a walk in after we had some time for free play and cleaning up. We went down a few different streets to check out some Halloween decorations and down our usual route to say hello to the ones we’ve seen for a while now. I think of it as a dry run for Halloween night because something tells me Lily might not like this holiday too much this year! After our walk, we played outside in our cars for a little bit before coming inside for a snack. We read our book, Haunted House and talked about everything we saw in the book, noting over and over again that Halloween is scary, but it is just pretend. We had a surprise visit from Aunt Bobo so we played with her for a little bit before nap. After nap and lunch, we had another surprise visit from Aunt Lyss so we had more people to entertain!

Today was quite dark and gloomy. Lily was the only smart one and slept in as late as she could. We had a fun visit from Tay Tay during the morning so the kiddos showed off all of their tricks! After Taylor hit the road, we had a snack and painted some paper plates orange to use later for pumpkins. We used a big foam brush this time. I like seeing how they use new painting tools. After lunch and nap, we played up in Lily’s room so I could finish up some things in my own room.

Today started off dark, wet, and gloomy again. I knew I had to keep them busy and moving or else meltdowns would be occurring more frequently than usual from any one of us! We did our usual morning routine and added in some exercise and dancing time. When I became the only one still dancing, I snuck out of the room to set up a Shape Hop game. I took two large pieces of paper and drew a few different shapes on each. Then I taped them to the floor and called them into the room. They had to use their listening ears to find out which shape they needed to be on, and what they needed to do on each shape. We hopped on stars, sat on circles, and even stood on one foot on triangles. Then they both decided to lay down on either paper and pretend to sleep. And that was at only 9:15!

We switched gears and did some cleaning and straightening up around the house. They like to dust (with washcloths) and vacuum (with their carts). When that got to be old news, we climbed into our high chairs and started a slew of projects while listening to the Halloween Party station on Pandora. They absolutely LOVED the Purple People Eater song. (I gotta remember that)!
First we glued faces on the orange paper plates we painted yesterday. I decided to not control where they wanted to put the eyes, nose, and mouth on the face and let them place the shapes as they saw fit. Both actually stuck with the normal face layout! 

After our faces were complete, we glued a rectangle, triangle, a circle, and squares together to create our haunted houses. I also did not interfere with this project. I told them we were making houses and we’d be adding stickers and it was so interesting to see how they placed their shapes. Lily actually made a house with a door and windows on the triangle. Tristan’s was a little more freestyle, but that’s the beauty of letting them do projects themselves.
While our glue was drying on our houses, we got down and dirty with some paint. 

I taped foam pumpkins to a sheet of orange paper and had them finger paint the entire sheet for a reverse sort of look! At first both kids only used their fingers until I gave the OK to use as many fingers and hands as they wanted. Lily dove right in, using two hands and smushing the paint around, while Tristan needed some time to warm up to that and used his pointer finger for a while. After both sheets were covered, we put those aside to dry and began putting stickers on our haunted houses. I let them choose what stickers they wanted. Lily allowed one skeleton face on her project, but when I handed her another, she said “no, he too scary!”
We spent the afternoon playing with toys we haven’t seen in a while and I took out the playdough for a little bit. Hopefully it is nicer out tomorrow because we’re all going a little stir crazy!

Finally a nice sunny day! It’s definitely fall but it was nice enough to spend some time playing outside in the morning, and hopefully we will be able to take a nice long walk in the afternoon! After breakfast and some free playing today, we made ghosts out of our footprints and our scary ghost faces! They came out super cute and Lily and Tristan both cracked up when they saw them. We danced to the Ghostbuster’s Theme song, the Purple People Eater, and the Monster Mash today for some exercise. This week felt incredibly long and I think the gray, cold, rainy days played a huge part in that.

Hopefully we have a nice sunny weekend ahead to get outside and get moving! I am just about done Lily’s Halloween costume so I’ll be blogging about that soon. We are planning on celebrating Halloween Sunday with my parents so I need to really get cracking on the final details!

Enjoy the weekend!

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