Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hello 2014...

This year, instead of the usual half-assed resolutions and promises I usually make, I decided to keep it real and true to myself. So here are my resolutions for the upcoming year!
  1.  Blog More! Putting my thoughts and concerns onto paper (word document?) does help to relieve some stress. Plus Jordan got me this awesome new laptop for Christmas so I can blog from anywhere! He’s the best! And I guess I can start spreading the news that I started this bad boy. Maybe if I know there's a chance people are reading it, I'll keep up with it. Maybe. 
  2. Read More! One year, I averaged one book per week. I did not have a steady boyfriend, a child, and I was still just hosting at Iron Hill. This past year, I barely got through six books. So in order to challenge myself, but also be realistic, I am aiming for one book per month, and I would like them to be ‘good’ books. The year of the 52, I threw in some YA books and finished the year with Chuy Bravo’s autobiography. I would like to maybe read one or two ‘classics’. I did get the Game of Thrones series that I am very excited to start, but I have a feeling I am going to have to take breaks in between each of those six books. I also might have to ask Alyssa for some suggestions.
  3. Smile More! Enough of sweating the little things. I have a beautiful baby girl who is growing up so quickly before my eyes. I get to stay at home and watch not only her, but also my nephew Tristan grow and learn and play. I am truly blessed to have an amazing support group in not only my family, but in Jordan’s family, and my friends. I also have Jordan, my partner in crime, my best friend, who I couldn’t do all this without.
  4.  Learn a new trick or two! I want to learn things this year! I want Jordan to teach me how to use his tools and maybe even throw in a cooking lesson. I am creative and crafty, but I would like to expand my horizons and learn new things!
  5.    Appreciate Family Time! We spend a lot of time with both sides of our families and sometimes it can be overwhelming and tiring. I love days or nights when it’s just the three of us, but I also love seeing all the kids interacting and how Lily plays with my parents. Family is there to make you nuts but love you uncondidtionally and we are so lucky to have so much love.

Well, there ya go. Let’s do this 2014. And if I happen to lose a few pounds or get ahead of the game financially or learn to cook a few more meals, then so be it!

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