Monday, February 10, 2014

Mom brain occurrences & the bishes...

When one of your legitimate questions that pop into your head while zoning out is “how much does the Dinosaur Train cost because not only do they use it every day, it goes through different time periods?!?” and you start to compare it to prices/experiences of your own using public transportation, it might be time for a vacation. Or at least a mom’s day out.

That thought did pop into my head on Friday. I am not ashamed to admit it. Both kids were contently immersed in their own activities and I was zoning out watching children’s television (which happens a little more than I would like to admit). These things happen. Good thing the weekend brought some fun adventures, shopping, and some family time.

We had a fun morning Saturday at the aquarium with Julie and Alyssa. We got there right after opening so we were able to let Lily loose to explore the eye level tanks. It was very nice to have 4 adults + Lily because one person could push the stroller, and the other three could chase her and show her the fishes. Or as she tends to call them, “bishes”. That girl loves her bishes. We are very fortunate to have a family pass to the Adventure Aquarium in Camden. We can bring two guests for free, so it has already paid itself off. I wish the area was nicer and not so scary, but it’s a great place for a morning trip. We’ve been there enough to know what we want to see and the best order to do it in. It gets better each time we go because Lily gets more and more exciting. She was pointing and squealing and trying to get the kids around her as pumped as she was. It was adorable.

My second mom-brain incident occurred Saturday afternoon at Kohl’s. I had a coupon for 20% off when you spent $100, and we had $50 in Kohl’s cash. Sidebar…if you are paying full price for anything in that store, you are a fool. There is always a coupon, a steal, or a reward. Anyway, I found two pairs of jeans that actually fit and somewhat flatter me, a pair of Chuck’s for $25, and some summer clothes for Lily that were under a buck a piece. Jordan threw in a pair of jeans so we met our $100 goal. The cashier rings us up, applies our coupon, and I hand over the Kohl’s cash…that starts the next day. I was so disappointed because our haul was actually stuff I wasn’t disappointed with. The kid was very nice and called his manager over to see what could be done, and the manager (who is always very helpful there) let us apply our cash because we had earned it the week before. It’s that kind of thing that helps me remember not all people are turds.

And so the new week begins. My to do list for this week needs to be written up. It includes Kara’s handmade shower presents (more on that soon), some cleaning and reorganizing, bill paying, mommy lesson planning, and maybe some crafting.

Have a good week!

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