Friday, September 12, 2014

Week Two Recap

We introduced the letter B today. Unlike the letter A, there are things all over this house that start with B! I filled a basket with as much stuff as it would hold, and we sorted through the blocks, balls, bears, babies, bottles, and blankets all before breakfast. Whew!

We took our usual walk and looked for things that started with B. We saw a bus, some birds, and things that were blue. We played in the sandbox for a little bit, and then doodled things that started with B with sidewalk chalk. After snack, we painted bumblebee B’s with water colors and then moved on to our fine motor activity, stringing pipe cleaners through colanders. It was a huge hit. You can read more on that here. They loved it!


We read our book, “Feely Bugs” while we ate our snack. We then tried out our chunky stamps again. I still haven’t gotten around to getting an inkpad, so I lightly painted on some tempra paint (vs dabbing the whole stamp in paint like I did last time), and then showing them again how to use the stamp. This time, you can sort of make out the different shapes of the bugs!

After our stroller walk, we dug for (plastic) bugs in the sandbox. We practiced counting them, and sorting them by color, size, and what type of bug they were. They had a lot of fun digging and hiding the bugs again. We picked out one of each and put it in a mason jar filled with water. They’re supposed to grow bigger but they were a dollar so we’ll see how big they get!

Our fine motor skill for the day was stringing dyed pasta onto pipe cleaners. Once again, this activity was a huge hit. At first, they both only strung one piece on, and pulled it all of the way through. Then they each started to add a few more. I started making a necklace without saying anything, and they wanted to make some too! Lily made a bracelet for herself and even threaded the pipe cleaner back into the piece of pasta to make it stay on her wrist!

Today we checked on our bugs, and they in fact did grow some! We let them dry while we went for a walk and once again dug and buried bugs in the sandbox. It was pretty humid which tends to make us a little cranky, so our outside time was cut short. We came in and had a little snack, then we decorated our Fall Wreaths with foam stickers. I had traced their hands on foam in fall inspired colors to resemble leaves then glued them together with a hot glue gun. I found foam stickers at Target in the dollar bins that were shaped as leaves, pumpkins, apples, acorns, and owls. We finished up with some play doh time, focusing on using the tiny cookie cutters and making shapes.

We went on a letter hunt around the house and then played with some letter magnets on the fridge. Tristan had a blast and kept asking to “find more?” He can recognize almost all of his letters!

Today was a low key day. We went on our walk, dug for bugs in the sandbox, and then came inside and played upstairs in Lily’s room. She has become obsessed with playing in her room lately. I am not sure if it is because her toys are all out at her level or the novelty of her new big girl bed (more on that transition later), but whatever the reason, I love that she loves her room so much!

Our focus skill this week was drinking out of small cups. I tried a few days at snack time to introduce drinking a few sips of water out of paper bathroom cups and it got a little messy. Those cups are easy to squeeze and dump water everywhere. Ash brought over these tiny plastic red solo cups today so we gave them a whirl. They loved them! And they did a very good job holding them and there were almost no spills!

Next week is the Letter C and our color is Yellow. We’ll be doing a few fun projects involving The Very Hungry Caterpillar and talking about Fall! Have a good weekend everyone!

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